Communications Specialist


Job Description

About the Organization:

The Technical, Entrepreneurial, Vocational and Education Training (TEVET) Authority is a regulatory body established in 1999 by an Act of Parliament. The TEVETA was founded to operate as an independent and autonomous body responsible for technical, entrepreneurial, and vocational and education training in Malawi.

At its establishment, the Authority was mandated to create an integrated TEVET system in Malawi that is demand-driven, competence-based, modular, comprehensive, accessible, flexible, and consolidated enough to service both the rural and urban Malawian population. The primary purpose of TEVET Authority is to contribute to human resources development through, among other things, creating an enabling environment for the sustainable acquisition of internationally competitive skills and competences for a productive workforce capable of spearheading the country’s production and export-led socio-economic growth.

Job Responsibilities

The Communication Specialist will be responsiblefordeveloping strategies that market TEVETA and the TEVET system to itsstakeholders.


·      Developing content for the Authority’s social media channels and website to enhance online presence.

·      Coordinating all TEVET Authority’s events, ensuring seamless execution and representation.

·      Coordinating media coverage of all TEVET Authority’s activities to enhance visibility and promote key messages.

·      Providing responses to customer queries and complaints.

·      Coordinating media engagement toenhance marketing and public relations activities.

·      Coordinating publishing of features, articles and newspaper supplements to showcase the Authority achievement and initiatives.

·      Facilitating radio, television and newspaper advertisements to reach target audience effectively.

·      Coordinating the development, production and distribution of promotional materials to enhance TEVETA’s visibility.

·      Coordinating awareness activities of TEVET programmes.

·      Publicizing TEVET programmes.

·      Formulating of work plans, budgets and reports to ensure effective planning and communication of section activities.

Educational Requirements

 ·      Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication, Mass Communication, Journalism, or any related qualification.

Experience Requirements

·      Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience

Additional Requirements


•       Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

•       Ability to work independently and collaboratively with diverse groups.

•       Proficiency in the use of Microsoft packages.
